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November 4 2012 7 04 /11 /November /2012 18:20

Some time ago I commented very briefly on the form of presentation confronting the readers of this blog. Like many others, this site puts the most recent posting at the top of the cumulative list of postings. Since many of the posts refer to earlier posts,, and indeed depend on an acquaintanceship with them, this makes following the logical progression of the thinking they contain extremely difficult. It's as if one were to encounter a book written with its concluding chapter first, and the preface and introduction at the end. I honestly don't know what to do about this; I'm afraid that, at least for the next little while, readers will have to discover their own preferred order, or skip about according to the clues provided by each post's title. I'll also try to construct each post as a stand-alone piece. Any suggestions will be gratefully received!



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